
It was dawn and Broadleaf hadn’t quit for the night. The Foggy Bottoms Resort and Spa always held one more mystery to be discovered. the Face of Everyman liked moving the goal posts. He toyed with the likes of Broadleaf.


Hopscotch wasn’t sure what pronouns he should adopt now that he had antlers. There weren’t many non-binary folks in the Foggy Bottoms Resort and Spa. He turned to ask the Face of Everyman, but he appeared to be napping.


Waldo was the first to arrive at the Foggy Bottoms Resort and Spa in the annual race from somewhere in Mexico to Shangri-La. He arrived in full mating colors and posed for a magazine cover shot with the Face of Everyman.


The setting Sun cast deep shadows in the Foggy Bottoms Resort and Spa. A new guest in Spring colors greeted the Face of Everyman. The venerable sage was proud of his newly renovated facility. He offered a variety of roosts.